The Lakeside Chautauqua Community

Lakeside Environmental Stewardship Society

Contact This Organization
Frank Baker
Lakeside Environmental Stewardship Society President


The Lakeside Environmental Stewardship Society (LESS) is an association devoted to improving the environment of Lakeside and the world through:

  • Promoting environmental awareness through education.
  • Conducting activities at Lakeside that foster love for and improvement of the environment.
  • Encouraging the Lakeside Administration and Board of Directors to take environmental concerns into consideration for all activities.
  • Lobbying local, state, and national legislators to pass legislation to improve the environment.
  • Working with other environmental organizations to improve the environment.

Membership Information

LESS welcomes everyone interested in supporting projects and activities that promote sustainability and environmental stewardship with no dues for membership. LESS relies on donations for such projects.

If you wish to become a Friend of LESS by making a gift, you can find the donation form at the link below. You may also donate by downloading the Friends of LESS form here. All donations are 100% tax deductible.

Donation Levels:

  • $25 (Single)
  • $40 (Family)
  • $75 (Contributing)
  • $150 (Patron)
  • Other___________


Additional Information

Sustainability in Lakeside

Lakeside Chautauqua is a one square mile community nestled on the shores of the Marblehead Peninsula. Since its founding in 1873, Lakeside has cared for the people, sacred grounds and the idea of being good stewards of our resources and planet.

During Lakeside’s early years, families pitched tents along the shoreline, carried in meals to cook, experienced fellowship and left the land how they found it. As cottages and buildings were built, the Lakeside community reused and cared for the resources through the years.

Sustainability is the fabric of our Chautauqua community. The way we live and care for Lakeside today affects how future generations experience Lakeside. Today, we’re sharing more information about our efforts, so that you and your family can join the movement when you visit Lakeside.

The Four Zeros

Lakeside Chautauqua is thinking big with the Net Zero Goals. It takes us all helping in small ways to become a sustainable community.

  • Zero Pollution and Carbon reflects the desire to absolutely minimize pollution of our environment. Clean Water, clean air and a healthy environment for all natural forms of life must be improved and maintained. All components that we use should have no lasting harm of the environment.
  • Zero Waste reflects the desire to divert all waste from landfills by minimizing consumption, maximizing the useful life of materials and encourage a virtuous cycle of material use and reuse.
  • Zero Energy is part of the goal to minimize carbon dioxide and encourage sustainable energy sources. Lakeside needs to minimize energy consumption and to use sustainable energy (solar, wind, hydro, etc.)
  • Zero Water reflects the desire both to minimize water use and to minimize and control storm water runoff. Water usage also translates directly to energy use possible.

LESS Logo Items

LESS is proud to offer logo items through Lakeside’s online shop! All proceeds from these items support LESS and sustainability in Lakeside. Items can be purchased online and will be shipped directly to you.


2024 LESS & Sustainability Events

Recurring Events

Environmental Lecture Series

All Environmental Series lectures will take place in Orchestra Hall.

Lakeside Community Compost Program

Are you interested in participating in the Lakeside Community Compost Program? Lakeside is fortunate to be able to use Barnes Organics Recycling as our hauler. Barnes is a Class II Commercial Compost facility and accepts much more than in backyard compost bins. Click here for a list of “Barnes Food Waste Do’s and Don’ts”.

For more information about the program, contact Bonnie Heikes at or Jim Heikes at

Lakeside Survivor Tree

On April 26, 2017, a seedling from the Oklahoma City Survivor Tree was planted in Lakeside on the hill overlooking The Memorial Garden at Chautauqua Park. This small American Elm is intended to be a reminder to all of the faith, hope and strength of survivors who have lost loved ones. The survivor tree still thrives today. Read more.

Additional Resources


Support Lakeside Chautauqua

Lakeside Chautauqua is a nonprofit organization that relies on the generosity of families, friends, volunteers and its dedicated staff. Our Chautauqua programming and upkeep of the facilities and grounds are made possible through the philanthropic support of generous Lakesiders like you.