A Wave of Generosity Helps Create the Lakeside Experience
Lakeside Chautauqua is a non-profit organization that relies on charitable donations. Our mission is To enrich the quality of life for all people, to foster traditional Christian values and nurture relationships through opportunities for renewal and growth…spiritually, intellectually, culturally and physically…while preserving Lakeside’s heritage.
Lakeside counts on the support of time, talent and treasure from all who visit. Download the 2023-24 Annual Report to review how generosity helps Lakeside continue for generations.
You also have the option of providing credit card information over the phone by calling the Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation at 419-798-4461, ext. 246.
Please make checks payable to the Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation and mail to 236 Walnut Avenue, Lakeside, OH 43440.
Visit the Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation staff at the Legacy House, 217 Walnut Ave., Lakeside, OH 43440.
Use the form on this page to donate online.
While gifts of any amount are meaningful and deeply appreciated, Directors Club giving is a wonderful way to help preserve, protect and promote the Chautauqua experience and to more deeply engage with the community.
Chautauqua Circle: $100,000, $25,000, $10,000, & $5,000
Directors Club: Gold Circle $2,500+, Silver Circle $1,750+, Bronze Circle $1,250+, Standard Circle $1,000+, Lakesider Club $500+, Friends of Lakeside $25-$499
Funds to Support
Lakeside Impact Fund
Your gifts to The Lakeside Impact Fund support the Chautauqua programs and improvements to buildings and grounds. When you give to The Lakeside Impact Fund, you make a direct and immediate impact upon Lakesiders of all generations and support a place where families and friends can rest, reconnect and renew as a community.
Your support of the Lakeside Impact Fund is critical to the day-to-day operations of the organization. Your parking and gate fees, while vital, fund less than half of what it takes to produce the Chautauqua experience each year. Additionally, even after food, lodging, property assessment fees, waste removal fees and other sources of income such as special events and concession income, a significant need remains.
When you give to The Lakeside Impact Fund, you make a direct and immediate impact upon Lakesiders of all generations and support a place where families and friends can rest, reconnect and renew as a community. Generosity from your family, friends and neighbors makes the Chautauqua experience possible.
These endowment funds have one objective: to support strategic plan goals, not just for one year, or even one generation, but in perpetuity.
Lakeside Chautauqua must grow endowment funds in order to achieve its strategic goals and to protect the Chautauqua experience for many more generations. Currently, the endowment totals approximately $9 million.
Each year, a percentage of the Lakeside Endowment is drawn on to support the Chautauqua program and many historic buildings. Approximately $300,000 is dispersed from the endowment to support the signature Chautauqua program and the Lakeside experience each fiscal year.
Many Lakesiders have made it a priority to protect Lakeside Chautauqua by planning a deferred endowment gift. Today there are 70 Founders Society families who have already planned new endowment gifts. We thank these families for their support. We have to do even more to protect Lakeside; therefore, new endowment gifts are essential to sustaining the Lakeside mission.
Restricted Funds
Each year, generous donors provide support to restricted projects, funds and programs. Examples of special support are Perry Park bathrooms, Orchestra Hall enhancements, waterfront, sailing, Lakeside Environmental Society, Lakeside Wooden Boat Society and many others.
More Ways to Give
The 1873 Fellowship is made up of dedicated Lakesiders who give a monthly gift to support the Lakeside Impact Fund. These supporters are an integral part of the Lakeside community and make a significant impact on the Chautauqua experience. By committing to a monthly gift, 1873 Fellowship members help protect, promote and preserve special Lakeside traditions.
As a member of the 1873 Fellowship, you embrace the founders’ spirit by coming together to protect a place built on peaceful simplicity, everlasting hope and authentic community. Like our predecessors, the 1873 Fellowship members are go-getters, innovators and trailblazers.
Together, 1873 Fellowship members are Lakesiders who support the past, present and future of our beloved community. We invite you to reflect on the meaning of Lakeside and to consider creating opportunities by committing to a monthly gift. Year-round gifts have a lasting and deeply significant impact, helping to protect, promote and preserve the vision of Lakeside’s founders for years to come.
We invite you to join the 1873 Fellowship to carry on the spirit of Chautauqua.
Clubs: Hoover Auditorium Club $250+/month, Hotel Lakeside Club $101-$250/month, Bradley Temple Club $51-100/month, Lakeside Pavilion Club $10-50/month
You can stop or change your monthly gift at any time by notifying the Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation at development@lakesideohio.com or 419-798-4461, ext. 246.
A gift in honor or in memory of a loved one — family, friend or co-worker — is a wonderful way to pay tribute and honor their love for Lakeside Chautauqua. It can celebrate milestones, like the birth of a child, wedding or anniversary, remember a loved one or express sympathy to Lakeside friends. By making a tribute gift to the Lakeside Fund, donors will have an immediate impact on the Lakeside mission ensuring a quality Chautauqua experience for future generations.
Each summer, at the Memorial Day weekend Hoover Community Worship Service, Lakeside Chautauqua formally remembers those loved ones who have died throughout the year.
To add your loved one to the service please download the Memorial Remembrance Form by clicking here. Please complete the form so that information about your loved one will be included in the bulletin prepared for the Memorial Day weekend service. Complete and return the form to the Advancement Office. Reach out to the office for the current calendar years deadline.
If families prefer to ask for memorial gifts through the obituary, the notice may read, “In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions be made in memory to the Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation, 236 Walnut Ave., Lakeside, OH 43440. For more information, contact advancement@lakesideohio.com or 419-798-4461, ext 246.”
Utilizing a matching gift is a significant and easy way to maximize the impact of your generosity to Lakeside. A matching gift is a donation from the company you work for or have retired from to a charitable organization of your designation. An increasing number of companies are offering matching gift opportunities for both employees and retirees. Each company varies in policy, as well as by their percentage of a match.
Utilizing a matching gift is a significant and easy way to maximize the impact of your generosity to Lakeside Chautauqua. To see if your company has a matching gift program, check with your employer’s Human Resource/Personnel Office.
Did you know you and/or your business can underwrite the Lakeside Chautauqua programs and experiences that mean the most to you? As a Pillar Sponsor, you provide much needed support to the Chautauqua experience or program you’re most passionate about to fuel and advance the mission of your cherished community.
The Chautauqua Pillar Sponsorship program allows you to directly underwrite your interests and passions at Lakeside with a tax-deductible charitable donation. The Lakeside experience is an exploration and enrichment of life through the four Chautauqua pillars: Religion, Education, Cultural Arts and Recreation. As a Pillar Sponsor, you will make an immediate impact and directly fund the experiences that help make Lakeside the safe and unique place you call home. A variety of Pillar Sponsorship opportunities are available so that you can fund the Lakeside pillars and programming you love most. Different levels of sponsorship are available so that you can give at the level that best fits your financial goals.
To discuss benefit packages or other programs or experiences you may be interested in funding, please contact 419.798.4461 ext. 246 or advancement@lakesideohio.com
#GivingTuesday harnesses the collective power of nonprofits, families, businesses and individuals to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. It’s a Global Day of Giving.
Participating in #GivingTuesday for the past 10 years, the Lakeside community has generously given nearly $2 million in support of the Lakeside Chautauqua program, care for our historic buildings and sacred grounds.
Planning a gift is an investment in the future of Lakeside, a significant way to make a lasting difference and a way to accomplish your financial and philanthropic goals.
The founders of Lakeside held great dreams for this Chautauqua community 150 years ago. Many Lakesiders recognize how planned gifts will enrich the Lakeside Chautauqua experience for future generations.
The Founders Society was formed to honor those who recognized the importance of investing in Lakeside, and have included Lakeside in their estate planning. Lakeside’s future relies on planned gifts made today, that will provide for an enriching Chautauqua experience for the future.